
海外のカブキっ子の排尿問題について [海外の活動紹介]

I know it will be different for every kid but my husband and I are wondering when everyone attempted potty training with their kids. Our daughter will be 5 in July and doesn’t seem even close to being ready although she does like her mini mouse toilet seat. Thanks.
・Noah started getting it after he turned 5. The school was a great help and was the one to get him over the hurdle
・My daughters is 23 yrs old..her bladder never grew she had several surgeries and stays dry mostly during the day but shes worn bladder control pads since she was 8 and grew out of pull ups. She only has accidents at night but the pad helps. Definitely every kid is different.
・My kabuki girl is going to be 10 this November and is still not completely potty trained I haven’t given up we keep trying everyday and I believe it will happen just in her own time like everything else good luck
・We are still working on it at 16.
・ Didn’t get it until 7 and still has accidents at 19. Never dry at night though. We use adult diapers in the evenings.
