
フランスの歌舞伎症候群のグループからアプローチがありました [海外の活動紹介]


Dear all,

I'm Beatrice Vitel, mummy of Camille, a Kabuki girl aged of 4 in december. I'm also member of the French Kabuki families group (Kabuki Syndrom Association).

It makes a long time we want to contact your group, but japan language is very difficult for us !! and recently, I noticed that you had in your website, translations in several languages and also a mail box. So we're very happy to meet you !

In the association, I'm in charge of the international part of our newsletter, which is edited twice a year. Our next edition is planned in december, and it would be a pleasure to insert an article from your group. For example, a short presentation of your group, of the kabuki syndrome in Japan, how you work with your families....

Here in France, we are 72 members (families, grand-parents, friends of kabuki child, doctors...), and we have around 45 kabuki children. Every year, we have a meeting (last october), during which all families can come and discuss with other members. Some physicians are requested to speak about a kabuki abnormality (for example, teethes trouble and ogival form in language for our last meeting). This appointment is very interesting and it is a way to become a normal family in a kabuki group.

During the rest of the year, we try to communicate by e-mail, phone, and also by the newsletter.

I stay at your disposal if you need more information of our group, and I would be very happy to discuss of the kabuki in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Béatrice VITEL (I'm sorry for my poor english !)

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